Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Big Mouth, Big Claws!

Lily is getting so big now.  She's about seven months old, and is branching out into new foods.  She's very excited about this, as you can plainly see.  
In these pictures, she is holding an entire vanilla wafer in her mouth and grinning ear to ear.  She's so thrilled to have something to sink her gums into that she started smiling too much and could hardly gum the cookie.

Kurt is brandishing his "Santa Claws" for us here.  Of course, he thinks it's a name for some kind of animal with big claws.  He'll have plenty of time to figure it out before next Christmas.

She's been working hard trying to cut her teeth in and is very close to finally having chompers.

Here's Kurt showing his skill at engulfing an entire cookie, just like "Lillan," which is how he says her name.  I'm sure he's thinking "This is easy!  Give me a challenge here!"

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Another cute baby for the Morgans! Lily honey- you're gorgeous! I can't wait to meet you someday! Hopefully your brother, well maybe not, ok, your sisters remember us!